What’s more is that the virtual entertainment client said that she had at first proposed to pay however the man demanded that she didn’t, and crowds of different people on the stage asked her not to regard the receipt. Fiona starts her TikTok with a message overlay that peruses: “You will have a hard time believing what I got sent after a first date.”


She says in the video: “Hello, so I went out on the town with this person. Furthermore, it was fine and dandy I don’t exactly fancy him yet I assumed the best about him. We went for supper, he proposed to pay, I said no, he was extremely unyielding so I let him pay. I won’t ask to pay.”

She proceeded, “And afterward he began posing me unusual inquiries like when was the last time you engaged in sexual relations, when was whenever you first engaged in sexual relations, would you be available to something relaxed assuming somebody proposed it to you, which I was all similar to, ‘ummmmm’ then he got truly aggy when I said I had plans.”

Despite the fact that the man was posing individual inquiries relating to sex on their most memorable date and became disturbed when she informed him that she had plans for after their get together with a companion, she welcomed him to come and spend time with them a while later. “So I felt sort of terrible, that I had organized plans after he got me supper so I resembled you’re free to come meet me and my companion.” Fiona proceeded, “I shouldn’t have done that, that was an error on my end.

However at that point I was still sort of, you know, just, seeing what was occurring. Em, we went out, we kissed, I truly didn’t fancy him, similar to my f**king terrible. Um, and after the evening, he informed me being like, we will see each other in the future, yakkity yak, I was like sorry, I’m not feeling it…this was his reaction.”

She handed-off her story over a green screen picture of what give off an impression of being screen capture instant message discussions among her and the man. It seems to be the messages get from after her letting him know that she would rather not seek after a close connection with him any longer: “OK fine, however what makes you say that? Cause Convo was great, made you snicker the entire day, coexisted with your companion, did things you needed to do and it’s dislike there wasn’t physical allure.

” He circles back to, “Or what does heartfelt association resemble to you?” She says that since she kissed him doesn’t intend that there’s physical allure among them, prior to uncovering the receipt that he sent her.”And what do I get? I get invoiced. I get f**king invoiced. This a genuine receipt people…real life receipt for 28 pounds I’m almost certain it was.

All in all, the cheek of him, as do you suspect I will pay? I mean could you pay? Since I don’t feel like I’m a product and on the off chance that I don’t give in then I ought to take care of somebody?” She proceeds to surrender, “Yet I really do comprehend like definitely on the off chance that you go on dates and you pay, you don’t get what you need which is clearly sex for him, it very well may a piece disappoint. However, don’t propose to pay then, at that point. Be that person who needs to part the bill that is fine.

Furthermore, suck it up assuming that you truly do pay and the young lady offered and you don’t get what you need. That is my viewpoint, what is your take?” Other TikTokers on the stage seemed to concur with Fiona. In spite of the fact that there were certain individuals who asked why she would kiss somebody she didn’t “extravagant” others contended that nothing bad can be said about somebody doing that.

There were some who said that assuming they had the money they would send him the cash for the entire bill, letting him know that they didn’t know about the way that he wanted the cash so gravely. “Nah you can’t receipt somebody by and large since you didn’t get what you asked for from the circumstance” “wow is he not humiliated” “Assuming somebody gets maddened and demands how incredible they are after you obligingly reject them… .how would they not see they are the issue?!”

What is your take? Was it ludicrous for the man to send her a bill after their date? Or on the other hand do you feel that there’s more going on behi

nd the scenes?