Tiffany gems proprietor dies at 3 AM in the wake of tumbling from a voyage transport She established Turkey’s most memorable Tiffany and Co. in Istanbul in 1995 after just about 30 years of dealing with the acclaimed Tiffany’s gems exercises there. Ertek was going on board the Norwegian Soul journey transport.

She had jumped aboard on October 24 fully intent on heading out to the small Pacific island of Bora on November 5 to commend her 72nd birthday. The excursion would have finished in Hawaii after that.

She disappeared following two days after the outing, and it is presently imagined that she has died. The authorities suspect Ertek to be the unidentified individual who fell over the edge at around 3:00 am on October 26 on security video from the boat.

The quest for her carcass was coordinated, yet since they couldn’t find her, the pursuit has now been suspended. Her child, Gökçe Atuk, asserts that his mom’s lodge has some truly valuable adornments that has evaporated.

Aid the chase He went to Tahiti to aid the chase after his mom, and from that point forward, he has documented claims. Until the voyage transport arrived in Tahiti, a 74-year-elderly person was kept close watch over by the group in an alternate stateroom for the following three days.

Dilek Ertek fell in the sea off the Tahiti coast while on holiday with her unnamed Swiss boyfriend.

— Metro (@MetroUK) November 8, 2022

Police in Tahiti scrutinized the person prior to delivering him inferable from an absence of confirmation; he has since gone back to his home in Switzerland. Specialists are confounded with respect to how the 71-year-old, who is scarcely a little north of five feet tall and a teetotaller, figured out how to go over the boat’s three-foot high watchman rail and into the water.

Early Life Dilek Ertek was 71 years of age at the hour of his destruction. She holds an Irish identity and she has a place with the white ethnic gathering.