That’s not all of the new Pokemon players will be encountering at the dark Pokestops, either. Look out for Ninetales, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Omanyte, Omastar, Misdreavus, Carvanha, and Sharpedo when spinning the telltale dark Pokestop and battling for the fate of one unhappy Pokemon (and some extra items).
To face Team Rocket’s boss, Giovanni, players will need to complete the Looming in the Shadows Research and obtain a Super Rocket Radar. The radar will show Giovanni’s location, and as well as the location of the final Pokemon battled and caught during this event, the Legendary Shadow Pokemon Raikou.
Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more on Pokemon GO. For tips on the mobile monster-catching game, be sure to check out our library of Pokemon GO guides.