Presently, a very long while later, individuals are as yet attempting to unfurl what occurred after. Individuals are interested with regards to Thomas Costello’s prosperity.

Thomas Case has been absent for over forty years now. He and his entire family, disappeared for the time being after Costello distributed an image from the security film.

He was filling in as a safety officer in Dulce Base, situated in New Mexico, USA. It was in this very spot where it has been schemed to be the new Area 51. As the intrigue goes, a joined office of people and outsiders, the underground office holds the key to extraterrestrial life.

This intrigue started to zoom around after a State trooper recognized an abnormal specialty in the sky and butchered cows in the ground in Dulce, Mexico. Be that as it may, there has been no substantial proof of the assertion being valid.

The image that Thomas Costello as far as anyone knows distributed ended up being a lie. As uncovered by The Black Vault Case Files, the image that has been circling on the web is a still from a film.

The inquiry actually stays as before after every one of these. On the off chance that those photos were without a doubt deceptions, where precisely are Thomas Costello and his family?

Thomas Costello was rarely found. The New Mexico-based base, Dulce, houses around 3000 individuals. Indeed, even with an affectionate local area, there is no less adherent to UFOs.  There have been different cases by different working individuals, discovering follows, and by and by seen episode record of outsiders. From a State Trooper to Phil Schneider. Phil claims he was one of the assistance for building the underground office. As accounted by, innumerable occurrences prompted the confidence in outsider life in Dulce Base.

Another source guarantee that a refined space apparatus around the Dulce Base. A ravaged cow was found close to the sightings of space apparatus and further cases that the cow was pregnant with a dead baby. The dead calf baby was uncovered to be a half and half of various living things including, people, monkeys, and frogs.

Right up ’til today, the cases haven’t seen the light of the proof. There has been no proof of such. Thomas Costello Wikipedia hasn’t been refreshed at this point. There isn’t a lot of data about the missing man. Every one of the sources that lead towards him have been connected to the outsider case, which most sources call a lie.