Kingsley, who said he and his better half, who as of late conceived an offspring through CS, are as yet damaged by their trial, said the burglars raged his home at 12 PM, kept him and his family on lock down, and took as much time as is needed glancing around prior to taking each important thing in his home with the exception of his Television.

— kogonuso_media (@Kogonuso_Media) October 22, 2022

‘They took all that I’d worked for as long as I can remember,’ he regretted. Further, the burglars requested that he open his bank application, and in a split second, they got all free from his cash suddenly, which stunned him. He guaranteed that his aggressors proceeded to let him know that they were shipped off kill him by somebody whose name they would not uncover.

The looters in the long run left with his as of late bought vehicle and the outfits he utilizes for his plays, as per Kingsley. The skitmaker, who detailed the occurrence to police, expressed that he has no clue about who he might have outraged in light of the fact that he is an extremely harmony cherishing performer who stays out of other people’s affairs. He expressed that the experience has left him abandoned and befuddled, as he doesn’t have any idea where to start.